Considering next steps

Hello for anyone who's looked at this page or even played the game. If you have played the game, I'm super grateful for it!

If you've played the game, you probably experienced the current game is in a very early stage. There's only 3 levels (and once completing the 3rd level, you'll restart the 1st level) without an end or menu or anything. Visuals are still very much greybox. And the puzzles need to be finetuned (are they too easy? are they too hard?).

But mostly, I'd like to learn if playing this game was fun at all. I've a lot of ideas including it's narrative and general experience and what this game should entail. But in the end, all that matters, is learning if this game is fun to play.

This means I'm in need of feedback. I'm open to anything you might have to say about the game. Feel free start a conversation at my discord server: or add comments here at!

Get Rolling Cubes


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Cool game! I was very satisfied with the movement of the cubes - they flow quite nicely along the level and I like how you interact with multiple of your own cubes to get to places. My one nitpick here is that jumping isn't always consistent depending on what angle your cube is facing, which makes it a bit annoying when you're trying to parkour and reach a place but the cube doesn't jump as high as you would expect.

The game also communicates what you're meant to do very well while using very little text, which means the levels are intuitive to follow. There were few not so fun bits, like a section in level 3 in which you have to use the first orange as a platform for the second orange which was hard to see because the wall was in the way, so you sort of jump randomly until you manage.

I like how simple the concept is and how well it works, so I'm excited to see more improvements and features, keep it up :)


Thanks a lot for playing!

I agree jumping doesn't feel very nice right now. Might get rid of it or find something else entirely from a level design perspective.

More cubes with different mechanics will come!



Hello, played all levels, interesting game! I can tell that puzzles were easy, I hope new puzzle elements will be in your game. Right now its more platformer, but it feels nice. 

On game page I read that those boxes with yellow particles will be very valuable. What I think that they should be in smaller amount, and also sometimes when bumping from big yellow box, it doesn't collect this essence, so they just fly away.

Also I didn't realize that you can swap boxes by pressing button. It may be not that important, but I think this mechanic shoud be more integrated (right now just first level uses it, how about start using swapping from second level, and first level dedicate fully on one box movement and so on?)

Have a great development time!

Thanks a lot for playing!

Your feedback is super valuable and spot on. I'll take this with me when going towards an alpha version.
